For the event organisers
On this page you will find everything you need when booking FC to deliver your keynote
Images of FC
Use any of these images below to help market FC appearing at your event

Book Cover
FC's bestselling book 'How I rob banks' is available to buy in all good book stores. Help promote your event with the below image of FC's book.

Below is a selection of images showing FC in action. Feel free to use these to help promote your event.
FC in Action

Intro Script
NOTE: FC has a unique and entertaining introduction at the start of his talks, he finds this sets the mode and tone of his presentations. We suggest using the following small script to introduce him as your speaker to avoid repetition.
"I would like to welcome our speaker, FC, yes that is his real name, I checked. As head of ethical hacking and co-founder of Cygenta, FC is one of the worlds leading experts in cybersecurity. Please join me in welcoming him here on stage".
Long, medium and short biographies of FC for your promotional use.
Short bio (46 words)
FC is a renowned ethical hacker and social engineer, as well as global keynote speaker. When he is not legally breaking into companies, FC takes audiences on an eye-opening journey into the hacker’s mindset. His bestselling book ‘How I rob banks’ was published in June 2023.
Medium bio (93 words)
FC is a renowned ethical hacker and social engineer, as well as global keynote speaker. He has been working in the information security field for over 25 years and is motivated by a drive to make individuals, organisations, and countries more secure. When he is not legally breaking into companies, FC takes audiences on an eye-opening journey into the hacker’s mindset. He has delivered over 50 keynotes including CPX360, CERN and Intersec. FC demystifies security with his expertise, humour, and passion. His bestselling book ‘How I rob banks’ was published in June 2023.
Long bio (191 words)
FC is a renowned ethical hacker and social engineer, as well as global keynote speaker and author. He has been working in the cyber security field for over 25 years and has helped thousands of banks, governments and other organisations advance their security. FC is Co-Founder of the cyber security company Cygenta, where he tests weaknesses in physical, personnel and digital controls to help organisations be more secure. When he is not legally breaking into companies, FC takes audiences on an eye-opening journey into the hacker’s mindset. He has delivered over 50 keynotes including CPX360, CERN and Intersec. He has shared his expertise in mainstream media, including the BBC and ITV, as well as popular industry podcasts such as Darknet Diaries (EP66). He has also been featured in printed media around the world educating people about cyber security from a hacker’s perspective. FC demystifies security with his expertise, humour, and passion. His bestselling book ‘How I rob banks’ was published in June 2023. An avid reader and polymath, FC enjoys trying out new hobbies such as woodworking, pottery, and homespun science experiments. All whilst lacking musical talent, despite his best efforts.
A/V Requirements
FC does not use powerpoint or windows. He uses a mac and keynote, because he likes things that work first time. On occasion he may even use a PDF and resorts to powerpoint under extreme duress.
FC prefers to use his own laptop for his presentations because he has trust issues. Currently he presents on a 15″ MacBook Pro complete with his own bag of cables that includes the a selection HDMI connectors and a wireless presentation “clicker.” and some cool pointy laser things. His presentations are formatted to fit a 16x9 screen and does not need audio.
FC needs you to provide a mic (head mounted, lavaliere mic, hand held in that order of preference) FC does not like to present from a lectern if possible due to his energetic presentation style that makes you wonder if he is enthusiastic or just trying to avoid the snipers whilst on stage.
FC will also need you to provide a projector, power socket and drinks on stage. (He can be bribed to be even more energetic with M&Ms and Coca-Cola)
Intro Music
FC is often asked about what intro music to play, here is a selection from which to choose to fit your event.